Kim Krause Schwalm – Supplement Copy Boot Camp

Workshop #1 — State of the Supplement Market and Why It’s Different

Supplement market overview: top-selling products, how to spot a “hot” nutrient, who the target market is, top sales channels/formats to use (online AND direct mail), biggest players
Supplement copy compliance: FDA/FTC—overall guidelines and tricks for getting around them
Research overview: best studies and where to find them, competitor research, collecting swipes, using AI tools
… And more!
Workshop #2 — Giving your Supplement Promo the Huge Edge it Needs

Stage of market sophistication and why unique mechanism/proof are essential for supplements
Differentiating your supplement in a sea of competitors
How to maximize your doctor/”guru” and boost sales even without one
How to structure your promo to keep your prospect reading or watching—and avoid common mistakes that lose supplement buyers
… And more!
Workshop #3 — How to Beat Supplement Controls and Launch New Products

Secrets to beating an existing control: how to analyze and find its weaknesses, where to look to gain an edge, leaving no stone unturned
Deciding on the “big idea”: best angles to use/test, how to weave it throughout your promo
Crafting compelling headlines and leads for promos (sales pages, VSL, direct mail)
Driving traffic to your supplement sales page or VSL with the right email or “lift”
… And more!
Workshop #4 — Making It Impossible for Your Prospect NOT to Buy

Closing the sale with copy – what you MUST do with supplement copy closes
Structuring your offer – best types that work and how to choose
Creating upsells and cross-sells – online, phone, email follow-up, in the box
Getting reorders: the crucial lever that makes all your promos more profitable
… And more!
Workshop #5 — Supplement Client Secrets – Best Tactics for Freelancers Now

Finding clients
What to charge
Negotiating royalties
Steering clear of bad clients
The all-important, cover-your-butt contract must-haves
What supplement clients are looking for
… And more!